Aquatic Therapy
What is so special about Aquatic Therapy in the HydroWorx® therapy pools?
The HydroWorx® Aquatic Therapy pools were designed, invented, and protocols for treatment were developed by our own Dr. Paul Hetrick. Integrating this water treadmill has been revolutionizing physical therapy, sports medicine, and conditioning. We fine-tune a therapy plan customized to your individual needs and conditions.
The HydroWorx® pools allow us to vary the water depth, speed of the underwater treadmill, the temperature of the water, resistive jets, and amount of exercises performed to create an individualized plan for each patient. Leading sports, healthcare and fitness organizations throughout the U.S. utilize this same innovative technology to rehabilitate and condition their patients and athletes.
The water creates:
- Buoyancy: The water decreases the amount of weight that the injured area bears during exercise and allows increased movement while decreasing joint stress.
- Variable Resistance: The water creates a safe and effective environment for progressive strengthening exercises.
- Hydrostatic Pressure: The water assists in reducing swelling and increases blood and lymphatic flow to enhance healing.

What kind of conditions will benefit from Aquatic Therapy?
- Arthritis
- Ankle Injuries
- Cerebral Palsy
- Cerebral Vascular Accident (Stroke)
- Chronic pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Herniated Disc
- Joint Replacements
- Knee Injuries
- Low Back Pain
- Maintain fitness levels
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Pre-surgical rehabilitation
- Post-surgical rehabilitation
- Promotes lumbar stabilization
- Shoulder conditions
- Sports and work-related injuries requiring rapid rehabilitation
How does aquatic therapy benefit these conditions?
- Accelerates rehabilitation
- Decreases swelling
- Encourages safety and confidence
- Enhanced mobility
- Increases circulation
- Increases strength and endurance
- Increases range of motion and flexibility
- Increases balance, coordination, and proprioception
- Increases muscle tone
- Improves body mechanics with work and daily activities to avoid re-injury
- Improves gait or postural deviations
- Promotes lumbar stabilization
- Protects joints during exercise
- Reduces stress
- Stabilizes the trunk