Physical Therapy
Do I Need Physical Therapy?
What treatments can I expect?
Every patient has an initial evaluation, at which time they sit down with the Physical Therapist and describe how they are feeling. What makes them feel better and or worse, what daily and recreational activities they are able to do. What things they cannot do. The most important issue is what the patient’s goals are? The PT will then measure motion in the joints, test strength, and palpate for areas of pain. After the evaluation is done, the therapist will explain the findings to the patient.
Follow up treatments
Because each patient’s need is so different, each treatment plan is designed for the patient. These plans include a review of the patient’s goals, as well as the therapist’s goals to make sure everyone is in agreement. Subsequent visits typically occur two to three times per week, depending on the patient’s needs. So these sessions can include exercises, stretches, hands-on care by the therapist or therapist’s assistant. Also, various modalities to help decrease pain and/or inflammation, and an educational component.
As you improve, the exercises will also proceed to include specific sport and/or work-related simulation exercises if necessary. A re-evaluation will be done approximately every thirty days to assess your progress. Each re-evaluation will be fax to your physician to coordinate care. When all goals are sufficiently met, as express by you, your therapist, and your physician, you will discharge to an independent home exercise program.