Women’s Health

Women’s Health Services

Do you suffer from pelvic pain, overactive bladder, pregnancy issues, pain caused by episiotomy or abdominal scars, urinary incontinence (a major problem among athletes), or other related women’s health issues?

What conditions can benefit from Women’s Health Physical Therapy?

  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Pelvic Pain (i.e. Levator Ani Syndrome, Dyspareunia, Vaginismus)
  • Interstitial Cystitis
  • Pain caused by Episiotomy and Abdominal Scars, Overactive Bladder
  • Pregnancy Issues such as low back pain
  • Lymphedema drainage
  • Postnatal Care
  • Prenatal Care
  • Obstetric Issues . . . and other Women’s Health Issues!

What can you expect?

On a first visit, a patient can expect a consultation and examination with the use of biofeedback in a comfortable, private and professional atmoshpere. Biofeedback is used as a tool by medical professionals to monitor a muscle’s activity. It uses surface electrodes to pick up muscle activity when the patient performs a pelvic floor contraction. The patient and practitioner then see, in a number form, how strong the muscles are and how hard they are working. This allows the practitioner and patient to make sure that the patient is using the correct muscles (not substituting other muscles) and to see how strong of a contraction the patient can achieve. The contraction is assessed on the first visit and is then used in determining treatment.

After the first visit, the patient is usually seen for 30-60 minutes, 1-2 times a week for approximately a month. The patient will then be discharged to a home exercise program as they understand how to strengthen their pelvic floor at the time of discharge.

Urinary or Bowel Incontinence: Not just an elderly problem

Incontinence is the involuntary loss of bowel or bladder control. It is a symptom and not a disease. It can be caused by surgery, pregnancy, and childbirth, weakness of pelvic floor muscles, repetitive lifting, obesity or even a chronic cough. It is also common among athletes. At The Hetrick Center, we can help through the following: body awareness, pelvic floor muscle exercises, biofeedback equipment, fluid intake/nutrition monitoring, and posture education. We can help you to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles to provide the needed support to the pelvic organs and provide increased pressure on the urethra to prevent the unwanted flow of urine. Physical Therapy can help minimize or eliminate the symptoms of incontinence in order to improve quality of life and allow you to return to activity.

Prenatal Massage

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, but it can also bring about many physical changes and discomforts for expecting mothers. As your body adapts to support the growth of your baby, you may experience aches, pains, and swelling in various areas. This is where prenatal massage can make a significant difference.

Prenatal massage is specifically designed to address the unique needs of pregnant women. It involves using gentle techniques that help alleviate muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and promote relaxation during pregnancy. Not only does it provide relief from common pregnancy-related discomforts such as back pain and swollen feet, but it also helps expectant mothers prepare physically and mentally for childbirth.

In addition to relieving physical discomforts, prenatal massage can also have a positive impact on emotional well-being. Pregnancy can be a stressful time for many women, and the relaxing effects of massage can help reduce anxiety and improve mood. It also provides an opportunity for mothers-to-be to connect with their changing bodies and bond with their growing baby.

At The Hetrick Center, we understand the unique needs of pregnant women and have trained therapists who specialize in prenatal massage. Our therapists use safe and gentle techniques to ensure the safety and comfort of both mother and child. 

If you are an expecting mother looking for relief from pregnancy discomforts or simply want to relax and prepare for childbirth, prenatal massage is a wonderful option for you. We believe that taking care of yourself during pregnancy not only benefits you but also your baby.

Postpartum Massage

Postpartum massage therapy is a form of specialized massage that focuses on the needs of new mothers. The postpartum period can be physically and emotionally challenging for women, as their bodies are recovering from pregnancy and childbirth while also adjusting to the demands of caring for a newborn.

During this time, many women experience physical discomfort such as sore muscles, tension in the shoulders and back, and even headaches. These symptoms are often due to hormonal changes, lack of sleep, and stress. Postpartum massage therapy can provide much needed relief from these discomforts while also promoting relaxation and overall well-being.

In addition to physical benefits, postpartum massage can also have a positive impact on a woman’s emotional well-being. Many women experience feelings of stress, anxiety, and exhaustion after giving birth. Massage therapy has been shown to reduce these symptoms by promoting the release of endorphins – our body’s natural feel-good chemicals.

Benefits of Postpartum Massage:

– Promotes faster recovery from childbirth by aiding in the reduction of postpartum swelling and assisting the uterus in returning to its pre-pregnancy size.
– Relieves muscle tension and soreness, addressing the physical strains of pregnancy and labor.
– Offers relaxation and stress relief, which can be particularly beneficial for new mothers experiencing fatigue and sleep deprivation.
– Helps to improve lactation by reducing stress and promoting a sense of well-being, which can positively impact milk production.
– Supports the body’s natural healing process, enhancing overall health and well-being.

Contact us today to schedule your postpartum massage and give yourself the care and attention you deserve during this special time. Our certified massage therapists will provide a safe and nurturing environment for you to relax and rejuvenate. Trust us to help you feel your best as you adjust to life with your new little one.

Aquatic Therapy During Pregnancy

Aquatic therapy, also known as pool therapy or hydrotherapy, is an exercise program that takes place in a pool. It involves using the resistance and buoyancy of water to perform various exercises for therapeutic purposes. This form of physical therapy has been gaining popularity among pregnant women as an effective way to manage discomforts and stay physically active during pregnancy.

Benefits of Aquatic Therapy During Pregnancy

There are numerous benefits to incorporating aquatic therapy into a prenatal fitness routine. Some of the main advantages include:

  • Reduced pressure on joints: The buoyancy provided by water helps to support the weight of the growing belly, which can alleviate pressure on joints and help reduce discomfort and pain.
  • Improved circulation: The hydrostatic pressure of water can improve circulation, which is especially beneficial during pregnancy when blood flow may be compromised.
  • Increased range of motion: The resistance provided by the water helps to strengthen muscles and increase flexibility, leading to improved range of motion.
  • Low impact exercise: Being submerged in water reduces the impact on joints and allows for gentle movement, making it a safe and effective form of exercise for pregnant women.
  • Reduced swelling: The hydrostatic pressure of water can also help to reduce swelling in the legs and feet, a common complaint during pregnancy.